
Healthy Herb for Fibroids



*I do private consultations $49.00 for 2 hours, and which includes a complimentary pdf of my “6 Month Menu Plan.”

*I am also available for health/fibroids speaking engagements

I can be reached at to set up an appointment

DON’T WAIT ANOTHER MINUTE! download my Fibroid book (PDF @ $7.00), “My Journey with Herbs.” My book tells you exactly what I used and how I used the herb. Also, what foods to avoid to help dissolve the fibroids and prevent them from returning. If you need help discerning what foods to eat, I have included my Menu Book which details what I ate and what foods to avoid. The cost is only $4.99 in PDF form.

Click here to purchase from BARNES and NOBLE.

Click here to purchase from Author-Vivian-createspace My Journey with Herbs- by Amazon.

If you have any questions please contact me at:

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15 Responses to Contact

  1. Arthur Yates says:

    This is a great website full of information.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The signs were less bleeding and cloting. They disappeared completely.

  3. Maya says:

    I saw your video and its seems amazing. I had surgery 2 years back but still know that I have multi fibroids few fibroids. I want to get rid of these fibroids and have kid in year and so. I definitely want to try if this natural herbs. Please let me know what I need to do?

  4. Zam says:

    Hi There,

    I have been searching for a fibroid CURE (not treatment) for a while now and am grateful to have found your site. Most other websites that offer herbal treatments for fibroids only do so for women who are Estrogen dominant. My fibroids are caused by PROGESTERONE dominance so I am in (what seemed to me) a tiny minority group.

    I wanted to ask if you had gotten an ultra sound to find that the fibroids were gone completely?

    I am excited to try the Red clover, as I was trying Red Raspberry (known uterine herb) but it was making my symptoms worse. I will let you know in about 4 months what my result are.

    Thanks for the info!

  5. TinaMarie Fuller says:

    I purchased your ebook about 2months ago it was great however my link has expired. Please Help! Is there a way to refresh or resend link?

    Kind Regards,

    • Vivian says:

      Hello, thanks for purchasing the book. Once the link expires there is no way to retrieve it if you did not save on your computer or files. However, I will send you another link and please save the file. God Bless

  6. Bermudes says:

    Your weblog is among the far better blogs I appreciate all your help and concern.

  7. mae says:

    dear vivian,
    i’m really glad i found your site n hope everything i have read is indeed real and true. i was diagnosed with fibroids last year and i am just 28 years, never had sex and not even married.
    needless to say, the diagnosis has troubled me to no end.
    i have quite a small figure but now everyone keeps asking me whether i am pregnant. my belly has started swelling as one of the fibroids has grown large since the diagnosis.
    i live in ghana, west africa. and over here fibroids are very common. despite this, i knew nothing about it until i received the news.
    i really love children and want to have mine someday so don’t want to have any surgeries that may impede this.
    is the red clover really safe?
    can it affect my fertility later on?
    currently i haven’t seen any around… read that its native to europe and some parts of asia.
    please are there any subsitutes?
    i am not sure i can afford the importation or how i can even access your book.
    any word from you will be helpful.
    lastly have you had children since the fibroids disappeared?

    • Vivian says:

      Hello Mae,

      Yes, my story is the living truth. I suffered for years with fibroids even during my pregnancy, but I believed Jesus was the healer. I took my herbs and changed my diet and was healed. I am sorry to hear about your fibroid problem. Red Clover is safe if you do not have a high estrogen level. It is best to check your estrogen level before taking Red Clover. Red Clover can be purchased on line from my supplier,

      I did not have any more children after my fibroids were gone, but my daughter had fibroids and used Red Clover and they dissolved within 9 months and now she is having her first child. So you can get pregnant after the fibroids are gone.

      I hope this answers your questions, and please keep in touch. God Bless!

  8. Belinda says:

    Hi Vivian,

    I have v.v. large fibroids. I was taking the red clover for about 1 week and noticed that my stomach seemed to get bigger, so I stopped. I just wanted to know if you experienced stomach enlargement when you first started taking the red clover. The type of red clover I was taking is from “Natures Way” so maybe the type of red clover had something to do with stomach enlargement?

    Thanks for your reply.

  9. Michelle says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your testimony. I wanted to know if you have to take the fibroid plus along with the red clover in order for the fibroids to shrink or can you just take the red clover alone? Also, in order to determine your estrogen level, did you have to take a blood test or a saliva test?

    • Vivian says:

      Hello Michelle,

      I took only the Red Clover alone. However, later I tried the Fibroid Plus, but by then my fibroids were gone. I did not take a blood or saliva test to determine my estrogen level. At that time, they were not giving estrogen level test. My doctor had no clue why so many women were getting fibroids. She attributed it to our pigmentation. Funny right! 🙁

  10. Vivian says:

    Hello Vivian

    I just found out about you last Friday and have purchased your book online which I have started to read and also the menu book.

    A few years ago I ordered a saliva test from ZRT Laboratories which told me that my progesterone levels were very low, but the estradiol was normal. I used to use a natural progesterone cream after reading about Dr John Lee who coined the phrase “estrogen dominance”. I have several fibroids, ovarian cysts and was told in the past that I had endometriosis. The cream was great the first month I used it (I tried this on and off for a while), but after the first month all the old PMS symptoms returned and I had to stop using it. It’s difficult to know how much to use each month when your hormones go up and down too.

    So I’m wondering whether to order another saliva test (it’s apparently more accurate that a blood test for the hormones) just to confirm I don’t have high levels of estrogen before ordering Fibroid Plus and Red Clover. Having looked at the Merchants of the World Shop website, I’m unsure about what iodine I would need to use as my mother’s mother was born in East London, England so not sure what water that would mean she would’ve been born near.

    I think, out of interest and to keep up to date on my hormone levels, it might be an idea to order that saliva test and then I would definitely know for sure how the estrogen levels were. I get terrible pre-menstrual bloating every month (knees and ankles not just tummy area) and am currently seeing a homeopath who gave me some remedies to help the pituitary gland (posterior and anterior) but the level of PMS shot up and my cycle was getting really long.

    I eat a lot of organic food which is widely available in the UK (I live in London) but have discovered that even if I eat organic dairy, it still bloats me out, oh and I know first hand about the effects of soya (as we call it here) as just increases PMS symptoms and very fast too.

    I look forward to hearing from you and realise this is a long message!

    Many thanks


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