SHRINK FIBROIDS NATURALLY! Welcome to my site, my name is Vivian and I am a Certified Holistic Naturalist Consultant. I am about to tell you how you could change your life for the better. I suffered many years with 5 large fibroid tumors. My enlarged uterus measured (18.0 x 7.6 x 12.7 cm). I am speaking from first hand experience. After many years of sickness, I wanted more from life. Learn how I shrunk my 5 large uterine fibroid tumors without having a painful hysterectomy. My enlarged uterus measured (18.0 x 7.6 x 12.7 cm). My doctor suggested I have the operation, but I refused and used natural alternatives and a healthy diet. Learn how I was able to dissolve 5 large fibroids naturally within 3 months. I dissolved them naturally in 3 months by using a natural herb called Red Clover; and years later I am still fibroid free.
The video below is about my large stomach looking pregnant due to fibroids. My enlarged uterus measured (18.0 x 7.6 x 12.7 cm) . Unfortunately, they grew even larger than that, but I was able to shrink them naturally. Watch the video showing a picture of my large stomach and also my flat stomach after using the herbs WITHOUT AN OPERATION!! PLEASE,TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE NOW!!!
- Are you having a hard time getting pregnant?
- Afraid to leave your home at certain times of the month?
- Your sex life is very uncomfortable?
- Stomach is big and you feel uncomfortable in your clothes?
- Have horrible monthly cramps?
- Heavy bleeding?
- Constantly Constipated?
- stomach cramps?
DON’T WAIT ANOTHER MINUTE! download my Fibroid book (PDF @ $7.00), “My Journey with Herbs.” My book tells you exactly what I used and how I used the herb. Also, if you need help discerning what foods to eat, I have included my Menu Book which details exactly what I ate and what foods to avoid. How to measure your food and discern what is organic vs. non-organic. The cost is only $4.99 in PDF form only.
Click here to purchase from click here to purchase from AMAZON
Click here to purchase from BARNES and NOBLE.
Author-Vivian-createspace My Journey with Herbs- by Amazon.
The day that I started bleeding after the park workout, I began to cry out and ask God for wisdom. I didn’t know it at the time, but Nik was praying to God at the very same time for wisdom on what we should do. He walked into the room that I was in and told me to take a look at something. God had led him to a lady name Vivian Moody which later led us to her website and YouTube page. She shared her testimony and I was instantly encouraged. I knew that God was not a respecter of person. I learned from her that the non organic meat specifically chicken caused the fibroids. The steroids that they put in meat was basically feeding the fibroids making them grow. I began to think back over the past several months and realized I had drastically increased my chicken consumption because I was focusing on building muscle. I was literally eating it for breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner… Now the bleeding episode made perfect sense. The very same day I started implementing the things she suggested. I stopped eating meat for 3 months, no shellfish or chocolate (bc of the estrogen) If it wasn’t ORGANIC I did not eat it. I started taking the natural herb (red clover) she suggested and we only went to organic restaurants when dinning out as well. I went back to the doctor after 3 months and had them re measure them and they were measuring smaller praise God! So they were shrinking. That was in August, the surgery they suggested I get was tentatively set for September. We conceived our son Nicholas 2 months later in November, which if I had gotten the surgery would have been my recovery period. KNOW that your womb and the fruit of your womb is BLESSED!!!***
*****5 stars So Informative and Helpful!!!!,February 4, 2013 By Rena – See all my reviews-
This review is from: My Journey with Herbs (Paperback)
I found this book to be very helpful, informative and a quick read. I had fibroids since the age of 19, they were removed, grew back 10 years later, were removed again, grew back 7 years later, removed and then grew back again. To date I have had 5 operations. If I had only known that I could have simply used herbs to get rid of them, I wouldn’t have endured all the operations and long recovery periods.
*****5 stars So Informative and Helpful!!!!,December 10, 2012 By ShanB – See all reviews
This review is from: My Journey with Herbs(Paperback)
I purchased this book because I was diagnosed with Fibroids and wanted to learn more about options other than surgery. The book was an easy read and I finished it in one day. There was sooooo much helpful information, and I decided I would follow some of the authors organic remedies. I went back to a doctor a year later after following Vivian’s recommendations and I was told the FIBROIDS WERE COMPLETELY GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This book was a Godsend for me and I encourage all women who do not want to have surgery to purchase this book. I was not disappointed.
*****5 stars Extremely Informative and Helpful!!!!, 2014- By Josephine
Hi Vivian ,i bought your book and i have learned so much from it, i live i australia with my husband and he got me your book, i bought the red clover and also i changed my diet. My weight was 78kg (172 lbs) and in 2 to 3 months am down to 72kg (158). My case is funny cos am 24 years old and my fibriod is like a 4 or 5 months pregnancy but since i started taking the red clover for just two weeks now i have seen so much improvement in my body and i still want more so can u pls give me tips on diet. Thanks Josephine
Thank you for putting yourself out there!
I am a 47 year old Mom with a 5 year old daughter. My journey over the past 9 months to a year with my fibroids has taught me sssooooooo much about myself, my relationship with my body, food, diet, organics, natural and alternative health, etc., but it was your you tube videos along with Dr. Curtis Duncan that really ignited something deep within me. I am a Reiki Master teacher and I have always felt connected to more non traditional treatments. They just resonate more lovingly to me. I am more in touch with my intuition, we’ve changed to organics, getting started this month for the first time with reusable menstrual products, my self care is better, and I have started to work with an acupuncturist who is really amazing and her husband does reiki also and things are going well. Vivian, thank you for all the work you have done. It has really helped me and I in turn am paying it forward with the young women and girls in my life. I am learning about ceremonies to acknowledge our sacredness as women and it has brought me into more unity consciousness with myself. Your ebook had great information as well as your videos. Great work! Thanks!
Gratefully, Chrissie Reynolds-2014
I received your book and I love it. I plan to buy more copies to share. Thanks for sharing your story.
Tonia, MD-2014
I loved this book!!!!!! I also loved how you went into detail about what to eat and what type of chicken to buy. I would also like to know what do eat for breakfast? May God continue to bless you and thank-you for writing this book. -Marion-

“I took Red Clover for a couple of months, I received results immediately. However, I got lazy and stopped taking the pills, my fibroids grew back and I was in constant pain every month and had excessive bleeding. I visited my doctor who informed me my fibroids had grown again. I immediately went home and started Red Clover again. I am happy to say my fibroids have decreased. Thank you.”
Valerie- New York
ebay business; Bargain Queen 44
Thank you so much! I was told by my gyn I had fibroids. I was devastated, however, they have completely dissolved since taking Red Clover. I am pleased you are helping so many women. Thanks!
These are all really great points made here. I hope many people gain access to this information. This is good quality writing deserving of attention….
Thank you so much for giving me back my life. After taking Red Clover for three months, I could feel a difference in my body. The fibroids decreased to almost nothing.”
empress says:
October 7, 2012 at 1:19 am
i bought the download ebook, i had red clover in the house and it was a good month for me light and short and i can’t find the biggest fibroid that i used to be able to feel laying on my back, i am sooooo grateful, i know i will get pregnant soon, putting that out to the universe.
Yes I see positive results!!! I have dropped from a size 10 to 8. I look and feel healthier. I know my fibroids have shrunk just by my stomach size alone. My monthly cycles don’t hurt as bad either and its now down to 3 days!!! Never in my life have I had a 3 day cycle!! Thank you for your help!!! Life changing help!!! –
In June 2012 I had UFE. One year later the fibroids
Were about the same size, only about 1% shrinkage. I came across your information on the Internet(YouTube). In October 2013 I purchased some red clover and literally in 30 days the fibroids were gone, and that’s a watered down version of my testimony about red clover; I just want to say thank you,thank you for the information!
-Darlene- N.C.
Dear Ms. Moody-Perry,
Thank you so much for your videos and book. I have just received some Red Clover from the ‘Merchants of the World Store’. I have been using the Red Clover for three days now. I am praying and trusting God that I will not need an operation to remove fibroids. Thank you for sharing what God has shown you. Blessings, Genevieve (London)
Good post! This is the kind of information that should be distributed on the online community.
Vivian, is knowledgeable and gives good information. I have fibroids and I want to shrink them naturally. The information that it provides offers hope to women looking for non-surgical removal of fibroids and “I want it.”
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